Text:Isaiah 53:1-7; Romans 3:21-26
This week we start to look at Christ the King! What a wonderful truth and the question is, “How is the kingdom impacting our life?” If we truly understand and grasp the concept of kingdom living, our lives will never look like the world. We will have moments of failure and trouble but those moments do not define us. We are kingdom citizens and must never forget the price that was paid or who our true King is.
The Old Testament has several prophecies of the kingdom that Christ would “usher” in. Now remember that the cross was at a specific point in history but that event transcends all time and people. Isaiah 9:1-7 we see a very familiar prophecy concerning the kingdom and the King, Jesus Christ. There is a very distinct difference also drawn here in regards to the earthly kingdom versus the heavenly kingdom. The earthly is filled with darkness, affliction, and lack of joy. It is also burdensome and filled with confusion. The heavenly kingdom on the other hand is brought in with burning and the fuel of fire. This gives an idea of consecration and purification. The heavenly kingdom is eternal and very different being filled with increase, peace, just and the Lord.
We also see a prophecy in II Samuel 7:1-13. God has always been with His people even if they did not see or recognize Him. This kingdom in time would be established through David but would be everlasting. This gives the idea of not having a vanishing point.
Then Christ comes on the scene in John 18:33-38 and gives more information concerning this kingdom. As much as the Jews wanted an earthly kingdom and some relief from the Romans government, Christ was very clear about His kingdom. Christ tells Pilot that His kingdom is not of this world. This kingdom is not physical and, therefore; is not bound to time. Christ is the true King of the true kingdom. There is no other eternal power. Christ has over come every kingdom of this world and therefore, we need not fear anything on this earth. The question to think about for future discussion is what affect should this kingdom have on us?