Food Pantry
The food pantry is open a half hour before each service or by appointment. Please call the church (603-437-5623) for additional information.
We welcome non-perishable, unexpired food donations. These can be dropped off at the church any day of the week. We would like to extend our gratitude to those who have donated food or funds which help make this ministry a vital part of our community
Our Missionaries
Representatives of Bibles International
Richard and Nancy Teachout
15955 Kendaville Road Coral, MI 49322
Missionaries of Baptist Church Planters
Bob and Donna Bennett
258 West Street Berea, OH 44017
Baptist Mid Missions Missionaries
Tim and Shelby Green
2060 Pennington Gap Drive Memphis, TN 38134
Missionaries to the Hispanic in TN
Urban Community Baptist Church
Shawn, Leslie, and Anna Beliveau
205-1318 Thurlow St. Vancouver, BC V6E 1X6
Africa Inland Mission International
Bruce and Karen Buck
130 Chester Rd Derry, NH 03038
Missionaries to Africa with Africa Inland Mission International