When We Were With Him

Text:II Peter 1:16-ff.

There is something very interesting in this passage as we dive right back into II Peter 1. We are told that Peter is talking about what he actually experienced. We are also told that they heard the Lord when they were in His holy mount or in His presence. What they were relaying to the people was not hearsay or fables that were passed down but actual events that they experienced, saw, and felt with their own being.

Christ calls us into His presence but I would venture to say that many believers do not live in His presence. Why? I think we refuse at times to be in the presence of the Lord because we do understand what it means. First, we would be humbled and truly see ourselves, Is. 6:1-13. You and I do not like this as we all have built in pride and battle it daily. If you meet someone who says they do not battle pride, they are not being forthright with you. Humility is not something you need to convince others of being one of your qualities. In the presence of the Lord, we are brought to the Light with full discolor and honesty.

Secondly, we are brought face to face with our deeds. Isaiah said he was a man of unclean lips. When we are in God’s presence, we cannot fool God or pull one over on Him. We will be brought right up to our own deeds and we will have to face them.
Third, if we are to stay in His presence, we will need to be purified and cleansed. This can be painful and sometimes feel like a hot coal being pressed onto our lips. Purification takes much humility and sacrifice at times. We may need to go to others and make it right or seek forgiveness too. This is uncomfortable.

Lastly, when we are in God’s presence, we may get called to reach the world. I think many always feel like God is going to call them to some dark, remote people group in Africa or some conspicuous country far away.
May we hear the call of God into His presence and let the Light of God purify us for the Master’s use, Eph. 5:8-16. May we learn to be humbly walking in the Light and remember that we represent God Himself, who is the One and True Light.