Our Job In A World Of Falsities

Text: II Peter 2:1-5

The text continues on with the idea of unity but focuses on what tears the church apart, false teachers. False teachers have always been an issue and will be until the Lord returns. Of course, they love to get into the church and try to cause division and factions. Their ways are pernicious or ways that lead to destruction. Left unchecked, they will always lead to rubble and ruin.

If nothing is done to halt the advancement of false teachings or teachers, they will eventually bring in teaching that flat out denies the Lord. This usually starts very subtly with ways that give power to the flesh over Truth. It can be a subtle as giving too much power to the devil or this world. It will eventually lead to blasphemy and denial of the Lord.

Many, we are told will follow and be led with feigned words. This gives the idea of likening their speech to moldable clay. Also carries the idea of covetous words or look at me. Beware of people or teachers who think they have wisdom over you and use it as a tool to glorify themselves instead of the Lord.

So, we, the church of God, are told to try every spirit, I John 4:1. We are to examine everything we hear and try it against Truth. We must also be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His guidance. We live in a time when we are surrounded by falsehoods and flat out lies. The internet is the biggest player of gaslighting and getting people to believe a false narrative. People are listening more to what they see on line than what they even see with their very own eyes.

The church is called to fight and be the resistance for Truth, II Tim. 4:1-5. We are to preach the Word. Not our own feelings or desires but the Word of God. We are to be instant in season and out. This requires study and knowledge of the Truth. We are called to reprove, rebuke, and exhort in Truth. Again, this can and will be offensive at times. We are called to watch which means being calm and sober all while enduring afflictions. Lastly, we are called to do the work of an evangelist and make full proof of our ministry. Let us be the church full of Truth and the Spirit.