Do You Need Jesus Christ?

Text:Matthew 26

This is the question for the day, Do You Need Jesus Christ? The obvious answer is yes and completely. However, let’s talk about this idea. Here in Matthew 26 we see Jesus Christ is getting ready to observe the passover meal with His disciples. They still do not understand what is going on or exactly how they are following. It is the first day of the feast of unleavened bread. This feast is a spring feast that is seven days long. It starts and ends with shabbat and these are in addition to the weekly sabbath.

The feast of unleavened bread is a great festival to remember the sin in our lives and the purity that comes in Christ. The Lord desires each of His children to live in purity and holiness for He is holy. We need to remember that a little leaven corrupts the whole lump, I Cor. 5:6-8; Gal 5:9. This is why it is vital that you and I do not live and feed the flesh or this world. We need to live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit so our flesh does not have strength. Our flesh is contrary to the Spirit.

On this first day of unleavened bread, the disciples seek a place to observe the passover. This is another great event but it is not a week or even a day long, it is a meal. Passover is to commemorate the Lord leading His people out of Egypt, Ex. 12:21-24. The death angel or the destroyer was going to kill the first born in every house in the land that did not have the blood of a lamb wiped on the door mantle and posts.

Passover of course is to reflect and praise the Lord for He is the passover Lamb. The Bible tells us that Christ is the perfect Lamb and His blood takes away the sin of the world. This is all played out by design in the last supper that Christ has with His disciples.

Christ is the perfect, passover Lamb. Christ calls us out of this world, Egypt, and calls us to holiness and righteousness. It is Christ that gives us strength over the flesh, this temporal world, and it’s devil. Jesus Christ is the one and only Messiah that washes away the sin of the world. So, do we need Jesus Christ? We need Him every moment of every day. Will you surrender to Him?