Text:II Peter 2:5-11
Our memory verse for today is II Peter 2:9 which tells us that the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation and how to punish the unjust. What is amazing is this verse is talking about Lot. In the previous verses, Lot is called both just and righteous. Now this sounds very different from what most have been taught. Could it be that we have Lot all wrong or just do not understand what just and righteous mean? I would suggest maybe a little of both. Lot moved to the evil city but even when we read in the Genesis account, we see it was a business decision. I think he moved there specifically with growing wealth in mind. Now did Lot have issues? Of course he did. One thing we know is the Bible calls him just and righteous.
Now this is the same word in the original language so the Bible repeats itself which is usually because God wants us to listen. Now when we look at the Bible, we see that righteousness is not in us at all but is rather a gift from God and totally dependent upon Him. Therefore, none of us are righteous on our own, Rom. 3:10. It is Christ that allows us to become righteous through taking on His righteousness, II Cor. 5:21. So, you and I are only righteous, as was Lot, through the blood of Jesus Christ whose gift of salvation transcends all time and people.
Now, how do we live righteously in wicked times? This is where it seems that Lot struggled. At best, he turned a blind eye to the unrighteousness around him. He refused to take a stand for Truth and it cost him his family. You and I have a choice as well. We can choose to walk according to the flesh or according to the Spirit, Rom. 8:1-11; Gal. 5:16-18. It is clearly a choice that you and I can and should make continually. What are you feeding? Your flesh or your spirit? This is why it is important to be vigilant in what we take in through our eyes, ears, and what we dwell on in our minds. We need to put on the whole armor of God to ward off the attacks and temptations of the devil, Eph. 6. May we walk in the Spirit with the whole armor of God on so that we can live righteously in very wicked times for God’s glory!