Living Righteously In Wicked Times IV

Text:II Peter 3:1-7

Peter continues on concerning living righteously in wicked times. The first verse though tells us that Peter is trying to stir up their pure minds by getting them to remember. I want you and I to remember today. Why should we remember? I think of my mother and yes there were times that were tough and some times I wish I could forget. There are many, many times that I am so glad I can remember and sometimes those memories come in an instant with no warning. Smells, sensations, songs, places, etc. can be the catalysts that bring back emotions and memories of the past. Praise the Lord, we have the ability to remember. Memories can encourage our hearts and challenge us in many different ways. Remembering can also help us understand ourselves and the mind of God better.

So, what do we remember? May we remember and think about the liberty that God gives. God gives us the ability to live above the flesh and this old world. God sets us free from the curse of sin and eternal death. Remember the moment when you received Christ and His love that sets the captive free.

Remember the provisions of God. There have been many times in life when God had to provide and He always did. Maybe not the exact way I wanted Him to in the moment but God also takes care of His children. We must remember the protection of God as well. All through the ages, Satan has tried to overcome the church and yet here we are standing in the face of evil and darkness still after all these years.

We need to remember our struggles as well and learn from them. So often we try to forget the struggle and hardships but it is in those moments that I know I see God the most. When we have little to nothing in this world, God is still and always there. Remember God’s comfort and use it to help those around you. May we remember the struggle and suffering of others to be an encouragement and gird them with the strength of the Lord.
May we remember Christ and all He has and continues to do for His children. Christ took on flesh, died, and rose again for us. Now He lives on High for His children. Praise His name!