Text:2 Peter 1:1-4
This passage is so rich in teaching. Last week we discussed the “like precious faith” and now in the next verse, Peter jumps right in on a very important issue and that is the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. Of course, Peter understands by now that Jesus is God in the flesh and he is desirous that every Christians understands that and much more.
So, let us look at this word translated knowledge. It is made up of two words in the original, epi and gnosis. Epi means more full and gnosis means knowledge or to know. Together this word means to understand more fully, a more precise knowledge, and a knowledge with great comprehension. You and I can epi-gnosis the God of creation through Jesus our Lord.
The question is then, how do I grow in this great comprehension? You and I are indeed to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, Eph. 4:15; I Pet. 2:2. God does not want us to stay as infants in our relationship with him. He wants us to move from talking about Truth to acting on Truth consistently.
We grow in this comprehension through reading and studying the Word of God, II Tim. 2:15; Prov. 2. This means in our own personal devotions and studies and also in the corporate sense as well. This is why it is important to listen and study what you hear being taught by teachers of the Word. Question what you hear and make sure the Word backs up what you are hearing.
Then we are to test God which is another way of saying live by faith. Obey the Word of God and let God prove Himself faithful every time. This comprehension will grow in you as you obey and give you understanding in your own life and in this world.
Comprehension of God and Jesus our Lord has three benefits mentioned here by Peter. First, grace and peace will be multiplied. Second, we will be blessed with all things pertaining to life and godliness. Last, we become attackers of God’s divine nature and we escape the corruption of this world. Will you accept the challenge and grow in a greater comprehension of Jesus our Lord?