God Our Warrior

Text:Ex. 15; Psalms 68

Happy Father’s Day.  Today I would like to discuss the idea that God is our Warrior Father and we as fathers and men in general are called to emulate this character trait.  Satan has tried his best to neuter men and unfortunately has done a pretty good job at it.  We must stand strong.  Never give in to evil, never relent, and always press into the fight!

God is the man of war, Ex. 15.  This is when God fought for His children by destroying the Egyptian army single-handedly.  Moses and the children simply had to trust and obey.  We must remember that God is in control, Ps. 68.  When you and I get out of the way and let God work, His enemies are scattered and the evil unrighteous fall.  The righteous on the other hand, stand strong and are glad in the presence of the Almighty.

God always goes before His children into battle and fights eternally and wholly for them, Duet. 20:4.  If God is the Almighty and is before us and all around fighting for us, what do we need to fear?  Only not being righteous before God.  God will always take care of us and His enemies.  The battle is God’s not ours, II Chron. 20:15.  Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel were surrounded by a vast and great army.  The Ammonites and Moabites were gathered together but God reminded them that the battle is God’s not man’s.  He simply told His children to stand still and watch the Lord work.    They obeyed and God did indeed work.  He turned the armies against each other and they all killed the other.  

Not only is it God’s battle, but He also gives us strength, Ps. 18:39.  We must put on the whole armor of God and stand in His strength not our own.  When we choose to stand in our own strength, God lets us.  We are weak and feeble.  Stand strong in the power of His might.  

So, we as men and fathers are called to be like Christ.  It all begins with humility as we decide to stand for Truth and purity.  Fight for your family in the name of our great Messiah, Jesus Christ.  Train and teach those around you to use the armor of God and to fight the good fight. May the Lord be glorified in us as men!