Text:II Peter 2:5-17
Today we are continuing on the idea of living righteously in wicked times. Just to recap on last week, the key is walking according or in line with the Spirit. The Spirit always leads in Truth and in accordance to God’s Word. It also is a choice. God has overcome the flesh and you and I can deny the flesh and obey the Spirit if we truly desire. God has given us so many other tools to help like the Word, other Christians, a conscience, and so on. May we live in step with the Spirit.
Sometimes we get distracted though. Especially in this fast pace, ever changing world we live in. Our attention spans are so short it makes it difficult to stay focused on God. It is so easy to get frustrated and upset with others or circumstances. The Bible tells us to not give in to anger, Rom. 12:14-ff. Again, this is a choice. We are to leave wrath to the Father for He will repay. Instead, may we kill our enemies with kindness and blessings.
May God give us grace and strength to focus on the body of Christ as well, Rom. 12:9-13. We need to remember that God is able to provide and take care of His body. God will always bless obedience as well. Now too many times we expect this to be in the form of finances or family or some other worldly way. This can be true but is not always the case. God blesses us with fullness of life in His presence.
We must continue on and fight the good fight. May God’s children not be weary in well doing, Gal. 6:7-10. God will take care of the ungodly or wickedness around us. We need not to worry about that or weary ourselves in trying to right all wrongs. That is not our job or responsibility. We are lights shining for Christ and dealing with wrongs and wickedness is His job. We need to take responsibility for our own personal relationships with the Father and His body. Do good unto all men, especially those of the household of faith. Some of the hardest people to love are those closest to us. May we love our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and always do good unto the household of Fatih. May we walk according to the Spirit and not fulfill the flesh for His name sake!