Pride And Strife

Text:I Peter 5

Today we see a very interesting flow in this passage.  First, God tells the elders or the leaders of the church to serve by example.  God then tells the younger, or those under the leaders to submit to the leaders.  Finally, God reminds everyone that we are to serve the other no matter what our station.  This takes a conscience decision on our behalf and great humility.  

Verse 5 tell us that God resists the proud but give grace to the humble.  Humility leads to being subject one to another.   This command is to everyone as the verse tells us.  No one is above this command.  The opposite of humility is pride and this leads to rejection by God and frustration in the body.  The word for being subject and the word used for submit is indeed the same word and means to arrange under or to subject one’s self.  So, God calls different people to perform different roles in His body but we are all subject one to another and to the Father in Heaven.

God gives grace what we are clothed with humility or lowliness.  The word for clothed means to bind together or fasten.  You and I must bind humility and lowliness to ourselves and serve those in the body as Christ gave us the example.  Then when we are bound to humility, the Lord will exalt us in His time and take our cares and burdens upon Himself.  

Christ teaches us about pride by using the Pharisees, Matt. 23:1-12.  They give us an example of the flesh that likes to promote itself and be seen of men.  God said there is one master, Jesus Christ, the greatest will be the servant, and the humble will be exalted.  Christ also uses the Pharisees and the Publicans to show us this battle, Luke 18:9-14. 

Lastly, Christ uses the gentiles to remind us of our flesh and the ways of this world, Luke 22:24-30.  Pride causes strife according to verse 24.  Christ challenges us to again serve each other no matter our role.  The greatest will submit like the youngest and the chief will be like the ones that serve.  Will you and I follow the example and the call of Christ, Phil. 2;5-11?  The choice is ours and must be made continually.  May Christ be lifted in us and glorified.