Sundays In the Wood – And Stablished In the Faith

Text:Colossians 2

Welcome back as we journey through our Sundays in the Wood.  Last week, we discussed how important it is to have good soil.  There are many ways to either hinder or help root growth and health which is vital to the trees overall health.  Today we look at this idea of being built up in Him, and stablished in the faith.  In other words, being connected.

Let us look underground today to the mycelia.  This is in the fungi family and are intertwined with the roots of the trees in the forest.  When they start growing above ground, we call them mushroom.  Now, all the interesting work happens in the dirt.  The mycelia grow and almost become a parasite to the roots of the trees.  They eat the sugar that the trees produce through the process of photosynthesis.  Now the trees also get nutrients from the soil through the mycelia so it is not a typical parasite relationship.  

What is even more amazing is that the mycelia tie the trees in the forest together.  The trees are connected through the mycelia.    When disease or insects attack a tree in the forest, it gives off certain hormone that travels through the mycelia to the other trees.  This triggers a defense mechanism in the other trees.  The older tress then send nutrients through the mycelia to the younger, nearby trees.  The older trees have the ability to make more sugar as they are taller and have bigger canopies that reach more sun light.

What gets just a bit more interesting is that tress seem to favor their own species.  The older tress will help the younger saplings of their kind.  Again they are connected.  You and I have a choice to be connected in this way to the body of Christ.

Scripture teaches us that we are to be unified in the body, I Pet. 3:8.  We are to build community and not let the world choke out the body, Heb. 10:24, 25.  We are also to treat others better than ourselves and help. Meet needs, Phil. 2:3, 4.  Lastly on our short list today, we are to bear one another’s burdens, Gal. 6:2.  So, are you connected today?  Why are you not?  Are you maturing and helping other “trees in the forest?”  May God give us strength and wisdom to be connected to the Body and vitally involved.