The Benefits Of the Resurrection

Text:I Corinthians 15:12-20

This resurrection Sunday, let us go to I Corinthians 15. Paul lays out a very logical case concerning the resurrection of Christ.  Paul argues six double negatives and we will look at each one.  First, If Christ did not rise from the dead then our preaching is in vain.  Next, If Christ did not rise then your faith is in vain.  Third, If Christ did not rise that would make us all false witnesses.  Continuing, our faith would be futile thus we would still be in sin and lost.  Fifth, those who have fallen asleep in Christ have actually perished.  Lastly, If Christ did not rise from the dead, we of all men would be most pitiful.  This would make everything we do and believe a lie and thus we would be wasting our time and live a huge deception.  

However, Christ did rise from the dead!  This means our sins are indeed forgiven, I Cor. 15:3; Rom. 4:23-5:8.  Christ died once for all.  The Perfect Lamb made the payment that you and I could not pay.  Through the resurrection, Christ proved He is God and therefore His sacrifice is more than sufficient and eternal.  

It also means that our faith is well founded.  Christ was witnessed by multitudes after the resurrection and there is a long line on believers that have been victorious through faith before us, Heb. 11; Heb. 12:1. The Bible and the Christians faith has been under attack since day one and it still stands strong.  Paul testifies to the fact that he searched through the world and found that Christ is worth living and dying for, Gal. 2:20.  

We also have the Truth.  In today’s philosophies, there is no such thing as absolute truth.  The well founded and supported resurrection of the Lord teaches us that there is absolute Truth all the time, anywhere, and whether people understand or believe it or not. Christ is the Way, Truth and Life, John 14:6.

Lastly, true believers are not people living in a hallucination or under some spell.  Since Christ has risen from the dead, is alive forevermore, and reigns as the King of kings, we should be positively enviable.   Our lives should be proof of the Risen Lord.  What are you doing with the power of the Resurrection?