Praise the Name Of the Lord

Text:II Peter 1:10-15

Today we look at the next passage and we also look ahead to thanksgiving coming soon. We are by nature selfish and not thankful. May the Lord help us to understand the Biblical concept of giving thanks and having victory over this flesh and world.

Peter reminds us diligently to make sure our calling and election. I mentioned this last week but the calling is to become a child of God. Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world. Not to just cover but to wash away entirely the sins of each one of us. Praise the name of the Lord!
Then we are to make sure the election that we have in Christ. Again this is for another time but in a nut shell, you and I as children of God are elected to become like Christ. God the Father desire each one of His children to become like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has elected us to become heirs and joint heirs with Christ. Praise the name of the Lord!

Then, Paul reminds believers of a couple of truths. One is that we have an earthly, temporal tabernacle. This is of course our flesh and it is not our home, nor permanent. This flesh is temporal and one day, we will shed this tabernacle for our eternal, redeemed bodies. We have victory over this flesh through Jesus Christ, II Cor. 5:1-9. Praise the name of the Lord!

Then John reminds us that we have the victory through Christ over this world, John 16:25-ff. Christ came to this earth, laying aside His godhead, and took on flesh. He became man and was God manifested on this earth. In the flesh, Christ overcame this world and any “power” it may contain. You and I are followers of Christ and we have not overcome this world, but our Commander and Chief has. This victory gives me peace and strength on this earth. This victory reminds me that this life is not the end. When this temporal flesh is worn out or destroyed, then life truly begins for the followers of Christ. It is then that you and I will take on our heavenly form and receive our redeemed bodies to spend eternity with Jesus Christ our Lord. Praise the Name of the Lord forever! His mercies are new moment by moment!