Text:I Peter 3:19-ff.
The end of this chapter is a great picture of the true power of Jesus Christ and the promise of His return. First, Christ is at the right hand of God the Father. This is very important because a person of high rank who puts someone on his right hand gives him equal honor with himself and recognizes him as possessing equal dignity and authority. God the Father placed Jesus Christ at His right hand, Ephesians 1:19, 20.
Christ is at the right hand of God the Father making intercession for His children, Romans 8:34. You and I have the very one who gave Himself for us, the Perfect Lamb who washed us in His blood, pleading on our behalf. The fact that Christ is sitting most likely makes reference to the fact that the redemptive plan of salvation is completed. There is nothing left undone and all we must do is accept the gift. This is a reminder that when the fullness of the gentiles is brought in, Christ’s enemies will be made His footstool, Romans 11:25.
There is only one time that we see Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of the Father and that is in the book of Acts 7:54-57. Stephen has been named as one of the new disciples, was preaching about the resurrection of Christ and is about to be stoned by the angry religious leaders of Jerusalem. When Stephen gets a vision of Christ, He is standing next to the Father. This is because Christ was welcoming Stephen home. One day, Christ will stand and welcome His children home.
Now the second very important point is that all authority is given to Christ, Isaiah 9:6, 7; Ephesians 1:19-ff. If this is the case, what do we need to fear? No matter what happens in this world, the great reset or what ever, we do not need to fear. Whether the central bank digital currency takes over and runs the world, we need not fear. Christ is in control and is coming back for his children. The word rapture is not in the English Bible but the latin word rapturo is and the greek word harpazo is as well, I Thess. 4:17. Both mean to seize or snatch away. May Christ find His church faithful when He returns!