God Of All Grace

Text:I Peter 5:8-ff.

Peter reminds us to be sober and vigilant because we have a very real enemy.  This enemy, the devil, walks about which means he is making use of opportunities.  Therefore, we must not give him opportunity to tempt us and lead us astray.  Run from evil as the Bible tells us and give no place to the devil.  Satan is seeking those he may drink up and devour.  

It is the devil that we must resist steadfast.  Put up a fight.  It seems too many times Christians are willing to just sit there and either participate in sin or at a minimum let it happen right in front of them.  We must fight.  There is no time for lazy and weak Christians any more.  The time is now and God has called us to push back and advance the powers of darkness.  We need warriors who are willing to stand up and fight at all costs.  Christ is worth it!

We are to resist steadfast in the faith or through obedience.  We are to be immovable and firm in the faith.  The book of Hebrews gives us great insight into standing strong in the faith.  Many have gone on before us and are proof that it can be done.  The same afflictions that we face, Christians have been facing since time was created and will continue till Christ comes back.  Through it all, Christ is Faithful and True!

But the God of all grace will make you perfect, firmly placed, strengthened, and founded if we fight in faith.  We are His children and God loves us so much.  He loves us with a perfect and complete love that we truly cannot understand.  This week in my devotions I read through Isaiah 45 and was reminded of this great love and grace.  It may not feel comfortable or good at times but everything is working according to His plan.  Belshazzar took over after his grandfather passed away and we see the fall of Babylon.  Cyrus, king of Persia, comes into Babylon just as Daniel prophesied to Belshazzar without even a battle and takes the kingdom just as God said.  In Isaiah 45 we see this happens to show the world and God’s people that there is no other God but our God.  Everything happens for a reason and God takes pleasure and glory in His children.  Stand strong today and see the God of glory lifted high!