The End Of All Things Is At Hand

Text:I Peter 4:7-11

I want to look at this phrase and the idea that the King, Jesus Christ is coming back again!  We discussed last week the idea that we the church are to make the decision to be sober, watch unto prayer, and to love the brotherhood with agape love.  This is to honor and glorify God in all things through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and dominion for ever and ever!  It is our choice and the church of God needs to choose and stand up today.

Now let us look at the idea that the King is truly coming back again.  I Thessalonians 4:13-ff. Reminds us that one day the King will come back for His bride, the church.  Matter of fact, it will be with a shout, the voice of the archangel and the trump of God.  For those looking and paying attention, it will be unmistakable to which I say Amen and Amen!  Christ will come back with great majesty and strength to call His children home.  There is no one and nothing that can stop this great event.

Who is Jesus Christ? Amos 5:8-15 teaches us that He is YHWH, the self existing One.  Also that He is God of hosts or Elohim of the multitude of armies.  The world will fight against the Lord led by their leader satan.  Satan is already defeated and is just doing what he was created to do.  The Lord is and always will be in control and will be God over His creation!

The Lord is also the great Warrior, Rev. 17:12-14; 19:11-ff.  Too many times we think this is only in the book of Revelation and in end times when Christ is coming to set up His Kingdom.  This is true of this time yes but God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  He is the great and fierce Warrior today and He fights for His people.  Too many people have watered down the true person of Christ and claim that He is love and we need to understand those in sin and allow them to continue in their sin without any care to help them stop and turn to righteousness.  For after all, God is love correct?  God is perfect love and therefore will fight with vengeance anything that stands against Truth and His creation.  This fierce Warrior will crush those who stand against His children, Ex.15:1-3.  May we stand wholly for Truth and unite in the name of Christ!