Taste That the Lord Is Gracious

Text:I Peter 1:22-2:3

Today we find ourselves back in I Peter.  It seems like so long ago but we will pick up where we left off several weeks ago before Sundays at the Fair.  We were discussing the command to love one another.  This section starts off with the command to have unchanging love for the brethren.  We are to have Philadelphia or brotherly love.  This is accomplished not of our own strength but through the Spirit.  When we have this love, the Word tells us that our souls, psyche or mind, will be purified.  This means that when we love one another with brotherly love, we have a clear conscience before God because we are obeying His Word.

Then we are told to love one another with a pure and fervent love, agape or love feast.  As we discussed the last time this command is not just for the one helping but also for the one being helped.  When we are being helped or served we are to love just the same and this means we are to obey the Word of the Lord and not just blow off help if it is not what we want or desire.  We should not have pride and reject help from a brother or sister either.   Fervent means with an out stretched arm or being stretched out.  Sometimes love stretches us and may we be gracious and kind. May the Lord truly help us love one another fervently.

The next phrase is being born again.  This is a reminder of verse 17-21 which is key to the whole passage.  We are to remember that the Word of the Lord endures and we are to live our time on earth with faith and reverence for the Lord.  It is not about us.

Then we are to grow in the milk of the Word as new born babes.  How does a new born desire milk?  Do you and I desire the Word this way?  Milk allows us to grow.   As we grow, we see the Lord’s graciousness which produces maturity and gratefulness.  Too many times we are not growing in the Word and we become unthankful and we remain immature.  When we help or need help it becomes about us instead of glorifying the Lord our Savior.  We may feel like God has forgotten about us and we turn to the world for reprieve.  May we desire the Word, obey in Truth, and taste the graciousness of the Lord.  The Lord loves His children perfectly!