Text:I Peter 3:13-17
There are so many voices calling for our attention today. The voices are relentless and change all the time. We get so distracted and busy that we do not listen for God in the still small voice. You and I will follow something and it is our choice.
Self seems to be a pretty loud voice. You and I are selfish by our nature and this leads to chaos if we give in, James 3:16. Confusion means disorder and tumult. Selfishness also leads to all manner of foul business. It makes us do things that we regret and feel foolish for later. Instead, may we deny ourselves and follow hard after Christ, Gal. 2:20; Mark 8:34.
Money is also a loud voice we hear constantly. Money makes the world go round and if we are not careful, we get sucked into that trap as well. The love of money is the root of all sorts of evil, happens when we error from the faith, and leads to sorrow, I Tim. 6:10. We need money or currency to pay bills but money should never be our driving force. Money, like self, makes a horrible driver.
This world is not just one voice but many different and changing voices. Many times there are several calling at once and confusing us. When you and I are friendly to this world, we are enemies of God, James 4:4. The love of this world pushes out the love of the Father, I John 2:15. Not only is there no room for Christ when we love this world, but it leads down a road of brokenness, loneliness and destruction, Matt. 7:13, 14.
Instead, we are to enter in through the narrow way which is Christ, Jesus. We are to walk in the Light and not fulfill the works of the flesh or darkness, Col 1:13; Eph 5:8; I John 1:7. Let me encourage you to make the decision to follow hard after Christ today.
We need to listen to the True voice of the Lord and deny ourselves, Matt. 16:24. We must walk in the Spirit to not fulfill the works of the flesh, Gal. 5:1, 19-ff. Look to Jesus who is the author and perfecter of the faith, Jude 20, 21. Choose today, Dan. 1:8; Josh. 24:15. We cannot wait. We cannot dabble in this world and then turn to Jesus in the last minute. Stand strong in the Faith!